Statistical Analysis...

Alternative Minds undertake thorough statistical analysis on both data obtained from our qualitative and quantitative research and on data supplied by clients. We perform various descriptive and inferential techniques on the raw data, depending on the requirements from the client. The results of all Alternative Minds research work are analysed by an experienced statistician who has a solid grounding in the business world, not simply someone primarily concerned with the numbers. This ensures our clients are left in no doubt as to what can and what cannot be safely assumed from the results / data.

Sadly far too many organisations rely on data which is not statistically significant to make decisions. If you are unaware of the significance of any results, then all decisions based on that data is actually based on little more than chance.

We always state clearly the degree of statistical significance of our results. This allows our cleints to assess the risk of false results. We always advise our cleints as early as possible regarding the balance required between statistical power and significance, and the inevitable impact on the bottom line.

Our final reports always quote explicitly the significance levels as well as providing all raw data, anonymised. This is to allow maximum information to be transfered from our results into the client organisation.