Bid Development / Bid Management...

Competitive tendering is essential for doing business for most clients but it can be a time-consuming and costly process. Alternative Minds works with its clients to develop and present tenders / proposals. The proposals not only meets the required business and cost objectives, but also maximises profit and minimises risk for our clients.

Bid management is a complex subject which is key to the success of any organisation. Alternative Minds works with our clients to advise and assist with the set up of the bid management environment and to ensure the tenders / proposals are delivered on time, efficiently and effectively.

Using Alternative Minds for bid management not only overcomes the inevitable shortage of resources and ensures a fresh perspective is gained throughout the process, but also provides mentoring to the client organisation. Our associates work alongside your personnel, helping them to learn from our experience and we provide you with ideas for improving the bid management process in your organisation, subsequently providing both in-person and email / telephone support either on an 'as required' or retained basis, a very cost effective method of utilising our skill and experience. Contact Alternative Minds now and give your next tender every chance of being successful.