© 2008 Alternative Minds Ltd. All rights reserved.
Company Reg. no. 5168709         VAT Reg. no. 840 3688 23
Commercial Due Diligence (CDD)... Commercial Due Diligence (CDD) is an essential part of the investment decision making process as future profitability is impacted by the market environment. CDD provides significant insight into the current standing and future prospects of the company. However, time constraints, a lack of internal resource and/or sector expertise frequently prevent the process being undertaken in-house. Alternative Minds deliver the ability to work to tight deadlines coupled with the level of experience, professionalism and confidentiality required for valued CDD projects. Our CDD projects deliver a comprehensive analysis and thorough, detailed assessment of commercial and market realities, gleaned from qualitative & quantitive B2B and/or B2C customer/supplier market research, multi-sourced secondary research and potentially confidential interviews with stakeholders. We examine in detail the business plan, market assumptions & projections, customer base and forecast ROI, identifying all underlying assumptions they are based on and then compare these to our own tested results, before undertaking the full analytical assessment and pragmatic forecasting. We quickly identify and highlight potential issues and keep our clients fully informed throughout to ensure the results provide all the information needed. Results are delivered in a clear and as concise as possible report which aids decision making. Even if the final decision is not to invest, our clients gain an independent, critical analysis of key issues they face.