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Company Reg. no. 5168709         VAT Reg. no. 840 3688 23
Alternative Minds Marketing Audits... Alternative Minds has solid, practical experience of auditing organisations to many standards and for many reasons, including undertaking detailed marketing audits. Where a systematic marketing planning process is required, there is often the need to evaluate and explore a wide range of research sources as the starting point for analysis, development and planning. Alternative Minds can create, plan & manage this marketing audit in a cost-effective and efficient manner. Marketing audits are a fundamental part of the marketing planning process. Ideally a marketing audit is conducted not only at the beginning of the process, but also at a series of points during the implementation of the marketing plan. Marketing audits consider both internal and external influences on marketing planning, as well as reviewing the plan itself. Alternative Minds use a large number of tools in these audits, including a formally conducted SWOT analysis for both the internal and external environment, plus PEST/PESTLE and detailed Five Forces Analyses focusing on the external environment only. In simple terms, the marketing audit answers the question 'what is the current marketing situation?' and therefore clarifies opportunities and threats, thus allowing the marketing manager to alter their marketing plan, if required. The results of the marketing audits we have undertaken have proven to be the key input to systematic and structured marketing planning projects and marketing research.