Business Consultancy - problem solving...

Alternative Minds believes in building long-term relationships with our clients. However, the first time our clients make contact with us is frequently when they have identified a problem they need to address and have realised that our skills will solve the problem. Alternative Minds are consistently able to get to the heart of an issue, generate very high quality and cost-effective solutions to resolve the root-cause of the problem. Often we take a Systems Thinking approach - a more scientific approach - though the approach taken has to be realistic and practical given the actual situation.

A great analogy of our problem solving skills comes from a client...
"Alternative Minds are like a doctor - the G.P. of businesses. When you have a problem, talk to them. Quite often, simply talking about the problem will help you reslove it. Sometimes talking is not enough and action is required. Like your family G.P., Alternative Minds can diagnose the problem and prescribe the remedy. Sometimes the problem needs more investigation, or a referral to a specialist in the area. In that case, Alternative Minds' extensive contact network is guaranteed to include someone who can be brought in to solve the problem and return the organisation to full health. Also, as with G.P.'s, they can diagnose the problem much quicker if you have regular check-ups and maintain a good relationship with them. There is no reason not to - they even do free house calls!"

Thank you for that Stephen, we could not have put it better ourselves.