Alternative Minds Project Turnarounds...

Even the best managed organisations can have projects get into trouble for any number of reasons. Almost all projects can be turned around if action is taken early enough by bringing one of our skilled and experienced Project Managers into an existing project management team. Any project which is unlikely to deliver on time, within budget and/or with the required quality, can cause significant problems for an organisation and impact the bottom line. Swift action can often result in the project being turned around.

We help you assess and understand the real status of your project, review all aspects of the project and its exterior environment, help specify, plan and lead the turnaround project, monitor and maintain tight control until project completion, create a legacy of improved project leadership and management best-practice, and even facilitate the training of your project management teams using the real-world project they have just helped turnaround. This intervention results in an improved success rate for projects in the future, ensures more on-time deliveries and reduces the need for management involvement in the future.

Whether you know it as project recovery, project rescue or just better project planning and management, bringing in experience and expertise from Alternative Minds can address project issues and bring them back on track today and help prevent them in the future.