Alternative Minds Research & Analysis...

Alternative Minds undertakes research & analysis throughout organisations, providing the means of transforming raw data into valuable business intelligence. Research & analysis is at the heart of good policymaking. Alternative Minds provides evidence for decision-making, helps find new policy solutions and helps identify and tackle future issues. The key benefit of evidence-based policy making is better policy. The rise in evidence-based policy making comes as organisations realise they need to improve the quality of their decision-making in today's increasingly competitive business environment. Evidence based policy making is an approach to policy development and implementation using rigorous techniques to develop and maintain a robust evidence base from which policy options are developed. If all policies are based on evidence, so it must be high quality evidence.

Alternative Minds efficiently and effectively develops, maintains and distributes accurate information to enable informed decision making. We respond swiftly to requests for data and research; initiate and conduct studies; consult on clients' internal research-related activities and improve the use of research and evidence by encouraging informed debate. We conduct the same rigorous statistical analysis to improve marketing effectiveness. The need to manage customer relationships (CRM) is essential to maximise profitability, but managing internal relationships deserves the same level of informed thought and understanding.